By day, I lead a team of commercial loan officers at a regional bank. Banking and finance has occupied the center stage of my work life since 1996, and it's been a good career for me in many ways. In my spare time, I have spent all of my adult life learning to corral a powerful intuitive sensitivity that has been with me since birth. Â
I was very much a science and math girl growing up, competing in math competitions and the high school trivia team, and imagining a career in business. But there was a part of me that was always interested in the unseen. When I was around nine years old, I recall going to the public library, checking out star charts, and drawing up my astrological birth chart with my stubby pencil and brightly-colored plastic protractor as soon as I could do math well enough to complete the calculations. Can you imagine the look my TAG teacher's face when wide-eyed 10-year-old me said that my primary interest was "the occult"?
Now, I often wonder what my life might have been like if, during my childhood, I had known someone who could have encouraged the intuitive part of my being. Because by the time I was an adult in my 20s, I was quite afraid of it. I was afraid of my mind and what it could do, and I wanted no part of it.
In 2005, a life crisis brought me to an inescapable conclusion that I needed to get my intuitive abilities under control, and Spirit delivered a wonderful mentor to get me started. After a few months of working with meditation and mindfulness, I realized that there was a whole lot more going on in my mind than I thought there was. There was a whole world of information in there! Worlds of information. My intuitive clarity improved quickly. Eventually, I was able to connect with my team of spirit guides, and they have continued my training ever since.Â
It seems like it's become a thing - especially in shamanic circles - to create exhaustive lists of everyone one has ever studied with, as though the length of one's resume in this lifetime has some relation to one's ability to do the work. I can assure you, this is not the case. However, for those who are curious about my background and experience, I list it below.
(For further details on my non-intuitive professional career, you can find my LinkedIn page here.)
Non-Intuitive Institutional Learning and Training
Bachelor's degree in International Studies, with a geographical focus on Latin America and a thematic focus on Economics
Two professional certifications in business valuation
Master's degree in Leadership and Organizational Development with a focus on executive and leadership coaching
Psychedelic facilitator training with SoundMind
ICEERS Academy AyaSafety 2024
Intuitive Mentorships and Trainings with Wonderful Humans
Five years of mentoring under Sharon Sananda, psychic medium
One year of mentoring under Ani Avedissian, suburban shaman with a cosmic point of view
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki I & II training with Robin Fuerst
Life Experience
Daily training with my team of spirit guides since 2005
Thousands of intuitive readings given
Hundreds of psychedelic journeys taken
Seventeen years as a single parent of a special-needs child (which was probably more important to my development as a compassionate human than all the rest combined!)
If you have any specific questions about my background or abilities, please get in touch! I work full-time in banking at this time, so please expect that it may take a few days for me to respond, depending on the complexity of your questions.
Much love,